1) What is “Asantepark”?

The name Asantepark is an abbreviation of “Mind, Art and Technology Park”.

Asantepark is a new generation business and life model on a web-based cloud platform, where designers, producers and resource providers come together, benefit from common services, receive education, have social activities, live, work, share and generate income.

2) Who is the founder of Asantepark?

Asantepark is an organization belonging to the Gün Group of Companies, which operates internationally in the fields of furniture, design, engineering and contracting.

3) What are the products and services offered by Asantepark?

The products and services offered by Asantepark are as follows:

- Project Partnership
- Projects and Opportunities
- Human and Business Resources
- Materials, Products and Services
- Shared Office
- Brand Management and Customer Relations
- Educational Services
- Project Sourcing.

4) Who can benefit from Asantepark?

Asantepark is open to everyone who wants to work efficiently on a new generation and professional management platform. Those who want to improve themselves with training programs, those who think of increasing their productivity by reducing their expenses through shared spaces and services, those who plan to increase their business capacity in the project partnership system, and those who aim to create a brand and promote their existing brands are the target participants of Asantepark.

5) What are the location and transportation possibilities of Asantepark?

Asantepark is located 4 km from Ankara airport and 30 km from the city center. Transportation from the city center is provided continuously by public transportation. Asantepark also has an office in the city center. 

6) What are the membership conditions of Asantepark?

Asantepark has different types of memberships created depending on the types of products and services requested. Membership conditions vary according to the selected membership types.

7) Is it possible to benefit from Asantepark without becoming a member?

Those who want to get to know the services offered within Asantepark better can join the system with a limited-time free guest membership and benefit from basic services.

8) What are the advantages of being a member of Asantepark?

Members are constantly informed about the projects, training programs and content in the system, can communicate with other members through the platform, participate in social events free of charge and benefit from all services offered in the system at advantageous prices.

9) What is the Shared Space and Services System?

It is the system in which different spaces such as offices, mini offices, meeting and seminar halls, concert halls located in open and closed areas in Asantepark are rented and services such as secretariat, legal and financial consultancy, accounting services, computer software and hardware support, and special equipment required for the activities in these areas are shared.

10) Can only members rent a venue?

Although it is possible to rent a venue without being a member, there are special prices and reservation advantages offered to members.

11) What advantages would there be if I choose Asantepark to rent a venue?

Renting a space in Asantepark is advantageous in terms of both cost and operation. When the general expenses of office type structures that you can create in different spaces and the difficulty of accessing professional service are considered, the quality and cost advantages of the service provided will be clearly seen.

12) Is it possible to create optional spaces?

Although the spaces created in Asantepark have been planned considering different usage functions, it is possible to create spaces in desired sizes to meet different demands.

13) What kind of shared services are offered at Asantepark?

Services such as secretariat, legal and financial consultancy, accounting services, computer software and hardware support, and provision of special equipment such as projectors, smart boards and sound systems for presentations and meetings are offered.

14) Can I benefit from several shared services at the same time?

It is possible to get any of the shared services you want at the same time. In fact, getting several services together will provide you with some advantages in pricing.

15) Is there a solution possible if I request a shared service that is not included in the system?

In addition to providing instant solutions for your service requests that are not included in the system, new shared service options are also included in the system as a result of the evaluation of these requests over time, allowing the system to improve itself.

16) How are shared services charged?

Since shared services are charged on a unit price basis, it is possible to provide services at extremely advantageous prices for members due to the institutional and spatial size of Asantepark.

17) Is it possible to make changes and adjustments to my shared service selections over time?

After the requests regarding shared services are notified to the management by the venue renters, the management makes the necessary changes and arrangements, taking into account the time constraints.

18) What do HR and Training services cover?

Asantepark is supported by an interactive, comprehensive and unique human resources platform that can provide direct and fast access to experts and make realistic classifications. With the support of this platform, a wide range of educational services are offered to members, such as vocational courses, hobby courses, elective courses for university students, project partnership-based educational services, corporate trainings, and personal development trainings, which will be given in classrooms and workshops.

19) Who can benefit from educational services?

Anyone who wants to develop their knowledge, skills and experience with interactive and innovative methods under the guidance of expert trainers can benefit from training services.

20) How can I access information about class hours and instructors?

All necessary information is available on the Asantepark platform and is updated regularly.

21) How are educational services priced?

Pricing for educational services is determined by the educational unit, taking into account the content and duration of the program, the number of students in the group, the equipment used and the instructor fees, and is offered to members through the platform.

22) What is meant by “Project Partnership Based Courses”?

These are special training programs offered to those who want to take part in projects within the project partnership system and aimed at providing the necessary equipment in line with the project needs.

23) Do I have to take the courses recommended for the project partnership?

In addition to standard projects, Asantepark's project pool also includes high-level projects that require specific expertise. The courses suggested by the training group according to the project type must be examined by those who want to take part in the project and requested if needed in order to ensure competence.

24) What is the Project Partnership System?

Asantepark tarafından sistemdeki projeler için oluşturulan matris yapı sayesinde, üyelere projenin belli kısımlarını yaparak pay alma imkanı tanıyan bir proje yaklaşımıdır. Sistemdeki her bir proje için yönetimin birimi tarafından katılımcılar arasından oluşturulacak bir proje grubu projeyi üstlenerek yürütecek, katılımı oranında da projeden pay alacaktır.

25) How and to what extent will I be informed about the projects in the system?

General information about the projects, preliminary project information if any, project sections and delivery dates will be shared with the members in the project partnership system via the platform.

26) What are the conditions for me to participate in the projects, will I be able to choose the project I want?

You can apply to the project or projects you want to participate in if you provide the required equipment. The result of the evaluation to be made after your preliminary application will be notified to you via e-mail. One of the participation methods is to make you an offer for some projects according to your rating in the system.

27) What is the pricing system, is the fee I will receive from the projects determined before the project starts?

The basic method is to share the total cost of the project among the project sections and inform the participants at the beginning and share the shares corresponding to the relevant sharing percentages on the platform. Although the pricing system will be applied in different ways depending on the project type and size, regardless of the selected model, it will be shared with the participants before the project starts due to transparency.

28) How and in what way will the payments be made?

After the project group is formed, the participation agreements including the payment plan are sent to the participants. The project work starts as of the date the agreement is signed, the three-stage payment plan (preliminary, interim deadlines and final payment) in the agreement is paid through the bank on the specified dates.

29) How will the technical and financial security of the work I do in the system be ensured?

The project partners start working after signing the legal agreement regarding the relevant project and the technical sharing after this stage is carried out through a private secure platform. The financial assurances in the agreement are important for the security of both the participants and the system.

30) Will the projects I work on have advantages for me other than the income I will earn?

The projects you take part in in the Asantepark system are added to your portfolio and notified to you or the institutions you want when you request. Your success in the projects you take part in the system is rated by experts. As your rank increases, you will be preferred more often in the projects in the system and you will even be invited for special projects.

31) How and by whom will my success rating be made?

Success ratings are made by an independent project control group consisting of project experts from different fields. The quality, number and performance of the projects you are involved in are taken into account in the rating.

32) Can I take part in the project partnership system while working in another company?

Yes, the project partnership system is a working model that frees you up in terms of time and space if you plan by taking delivery dates into account.

33) Can I take part in the project partnership system as the owner of another company?

Yes, the system will contribute to your company's competitive power and business capacity with its project diversity and professional management structure.

34) Can my company be the contractor even though the project is carried out in the Asantepark system?

Yes, if you take part in projects within the Asantepark as a contractor, you will both receive an additional share from the project and have the opportunity to complete the work.

35) What is the point of participating in this system if my company has sufficient resources and work?

You can take part in special projects in the system, reduce your current costs, and increase your income, job completion and references by having the jobs you cannot accept due to workload done as a contractor company within Asantepark.

36) Are there any disadvantages to working with people I do not know and have not met face to face in a project?

The matrix structure created for each project consists of qualified and accredited personnel carefully selected by professional project managers. Thanks to the technological opportunities offered by the platform, all kinds of visual communication can be easily provided.

37) Can I include my own work or jobs in this system?

Yes, you can include the work or jobs in your hand in the system either as a contractor, or to have certain parts of it done by the system, or to do certain parts yourself.

38) Do only the managers decide on pricing?

Pricing is done by the management in the projects offered by the system, and pricing can be done together with the management in line with the demands for projects to be added by the members. Project participants will be able to make instant referendums thanks to the platform, and will be able to make decisions in proportion to their partnership shares.

39) What will happen to the project and to me if there are any departures from the group or other problems during the project construction phase?

The backup of each element in the project-specific matrix structures is kept ready by the system. In addition, there is an expert project control group within Asantepark that can complete the project from the point it left off even if the entire team leaves,
