In this way, you will have access to all the information you need from a single point and will have the opportunity to finance your projects. Searching for fund sources by type of organization, sector and fund type, viewing detailed information such as application dates of the funds you are interested in, the amount of support you can receive, application conditions, being informed about newly entered funds via e-mail, sharing information about funds with any friend you want or via sharing sites, following current fund news on the site and information such as news and analysis about funds, sample project reviews, interviews with representatives from different sectors and other information that will be useful for those who want to develop projects.

Hundreds of financial support provided by national and international organizations, addressing every sector and every need, are included in the database. Some of the funding organizations in our database are: European Union, World Bank, United Nations, NATO, Islamic Development Bank, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, TTGV, National Agency, Development Agencies, private foundations, private sector organizations using their services.
