Together, let’s create a participative and active “working ecosystem” where pleasure and business are balanced.

The purpose of ASANTEPARK is to provide those who have the abilities to design, produce, manage processes and put in resources with the opportunity to generate income by carrying out projects together, on a safe, web-based platform.


WHATWHYHOWWHEREWHENWITH WHOM for improving the quality of social life.



It is the “FUTURE”… The name ASANTEPARK is an abbreviation of the words “Intelligence, Art and Technology Park” in Turkish. ASANTEPARK is a new generation business and lifestyle model where participants benefit from shared services, receive education, engage in social activities, live, work, share and generate income on a web-based cloud platform. ASANTEPARK has set off with the aim to create together a participative and active “working ecosystem” where pleasure and business are balanced. Our purpose is to bring together people who have the design skills and production abilities as well as the means to put in resources in the construction industry, and to transform this collaboration into a working ecosystem on an instructive, web-based business partnership platform. ASANTEPARK is a business model built with the vision of a social life style. It aspires to cultivate enthusiastic, open to learning, participative, qualified, creative, productive and consistent entrepreneurs who have the ability to generate income.


For “EFFICIENCY”… The construction industry is rapidly growing. Turkey’s export target for 2023 is 500 billion dollars. Therefore there is a need for results produced jointly by qualified designers and technical solution providers along with the brainpower able to plan the productive working conditions of the future. The way to generate income is to produce high quality projects and products with high added value. And the necessary infrastructure for this is good education, cutting-edge knowledge, and creativity. By following these aims, ASANTEPARK targets to increase the system of creativity, knowledge, and wisdom in the products generated in this effort.


With the spirit of “ENTREPRENEURSHIP”… An entrepreneur undertakes business by investing capital into fields such as trade and industry, and takes on risk with the goal of making profit. The purpose of this project is to enable ENTREPRENEURS who design, produce, manage processes and put in resources to generate income by realizing projects together on a safe, web-based business partnership platform.


On the “MUTUAL PLATFORM” and at “SHARED OFFICES”… A pleasant and efficient future is possible by increasing productivity by means of design and technology and by handling operations such as legal services, accounting, management, administration and coordination on a professionally shared platform above the ability of individuals. The shared office approach, operating with the understanding of collaborative work, is also part of the Asantepark project. This structure, apart from providing shared services at low cost, creates a living space to prepare and sustain mechanisms that will enable social interaction and learning as well as market creation.


At any “SUSTAINABLE” moment… It is possible to better society through the personal development of each individual. No one is 100% good, and no one is 100
